Valentin Serov: Sasha and Yura Serov (1899)

Figure 1.-- In addition to Nika Morosov, Serov's best known paintiung of boys was the painting of his sons Sasha and Yura. He painted them at the beach (1899). Like Mika, we can't make out much about their vlothing, only a white blouse, black knickers, and black long stockings. Both boys have wild curly hair. We know nothing about the boys except that Serov used them as models for several drawings and paintings, all of which provide impressive insights into boyhood. Unlike the painting of Princess Olga, Serov had no interest in the boys' clothing here. This simple work is one of Serov's most acclaimed works, both because of the composition (especilly the use of light) and the depiction of boyhood. The boys are at a beach, but onlyblooking at the sea, not playing on the beach.

In addition to Nika Morosov, Serov's best known paintiung of boys was the painting of his sons Sasha and Yura. He painted them at the beach (1899). Like Mika, we can't make out much about their vlothing, only a white blouse, black knickers, and black long stockings. Both boys have wild curly hair. We know nothing about the boys except that Serov used them as models for several drawings and paintings, all of which provide impressive insights into boyhood. Unlike the painting of Princess Olga, Serov had no interest in the boys' clothing here. This simple work is one of Serov's most acclaimed works, both because of the composition (especilly the use of light) and the depiction of boyhood. The boys are at a beach, but onlyblooking at the sea, not playing on the beach. An art historian writes, ""The fascinating pucture of two little boys leabing on a reail, one gazing out to sea with the rapt ook og a born adventuer the other turning with a widrful expression, as though he had heard an unwelcome summons to come indoors ...." [Newsmarch, pp. 177-78.]


Newmarch, Rosa. The Russian Arts (E.P. Dutton: 1917), 293p.


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Created: 6:24 PM 8/24/2017
Last updated: 6:24 PM 8/24/2017