Benin Chronology

Benin history
Figure 1.--This postcard from the French colony of Dahomey shows women and children at the market in Porto Novo around 1910. . Notice that except for the brightly colored textiles worn by women that there is virtually no indication of European influence. This photograph old have been taken centuries earlier. And this was taken at a port where the French influence was strongest.

Benin at the turn-of-the 20th century was the French colony of Dahmoney. The French had, however, only begun the colonization process. For years the French and other Europeans mostly maintained trding posts along the coast of West Africa and did not venture to any degree into the interior. Only with the Scranvle for Africa did the Europeans begin the formal colonization process and extend the colonial government north into the interior. This was reflected in the culture and life style of the people. There was a great benefit fom ending the slave trade, but esentially culture and life style had been little changed by the early colonization process. Photogrphic images taken at the time show the people living and dressing as they had for centuries, except for example bright colored European textiles worn by the women were more common than before. With this exception we see people living a life style little changed for centuries. Men and boys did bot yet wear Western clothes, except the elite may have a few Western garments. Gradually we begin to see changes, but major changes did not come until aftr World ar II when the colony and the rest of West Africa began go move toward independence.


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Created: 8:12 PM 12/3/2010
Last updated: 8:12 PM 12/3/2010