Belarus: Chronology

Figure 1.--The photo was taken in late-1980s in Minsk, the capitl of Belarus. This was a period in which the Soviet Union was unraveling, After a shower, the children here are playing in the street. The same scene could have been talen throughout the Soviet Uion at the time, perhaps with the exception of Central Asia.

Our Belarus archive of clothing and fashions is very limited at this time. We thus have no chronological infomation worked up on Belarus boys clothing. As far as we know, Belarus clothing was similar to the larger states in wghich it ws a part. In modern times this has included the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth, Tsarist Russia, the PolishRepublic, and the Soviet Union, As far as we know, there was no destinctive Belarus garments. We do note decorative trim that appeared on folk garments like boys' tunics and girls/women dresses. This seems similar to the Ukraine, but presumably with different designs. This unlike some European countries, it is not possible to tell that a photograph was taken in Belarus by looking at the style of clothing a child is wearing, with the eccepion of folk costumes. Agter World War II, Western fashions like jeans graduallypermeated the Iron Curtain. Modern Belarus boys wear the same styles that have become popular throughout Europe, although rhre are some diffrences. The styles and conventions are virtually identical to those in Russia such a younger boys wearing tights. Russia.


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Created: 7:45 PM 4/29/2013
Last updated: 7:45 PM 4/29/2013