German Family Photograph Album: Clothing--Hosiery (1920s-30s)

Figure 1.-- This scene at the secondary school shows boys wearing both knee socks and long stockings. Boys did not commonly wear ankle socks, although I am not sure about the boys wearing long pants.

Most of the boys pictured in the album wear kneesocks. Exceptr for the althletic competitions the boys do not wear anle socks. Some boys wear long stockings. This was the case both in the primary and secondary school photographs. The close up photographs of the boys mostly show them wearing knee socks or long stockings rolled down to look like kneesocks. The group photographs show quite a few boys wearing long stockings, mostly blight-brown or perhaps grey shades. Earlier black long stockings would have been common, but by the 30s, black long stockings were mostly worn for formal occassions.


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Created: 11:34 PM 3/12/2007
Last updated: 11:34 PM 3/12/2007