German Family Photograph Album: Clothing--Pants (1920s-30s)

Figure 1.-- The boys at the secondary school wore different types of pants. Here most boys are in their gym suits, but you can see boys wearing short pants, knickers, and long pants. Put the cursor on the image for an emlasrgement.

The boys in the album wore different kinds of pants. The boys in primary school wore short pants. Some boys may have worn knee pants, but this is difficult to tell in the class group photograsphs. The sutuation at the secondary school is more divrse. We still see many boys wearing short pants. This seems to have been the most common choice, especially for the younger secondary boys. Many of the older boys wear knickers and a few long pants. The knickers many boys wore seem quite long, down to the calves. One is reminded of the Belgian cartoon character Tintin. There was no school rule here. The choice was up the boys and their parents.


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Created: 10:38 PM 3/12/2007
Last updated: 10:38 PM 3/12/2007