Hans-J: Younger Boy--Age 5

Figure 1.--A photograph taken at age 5 1/4 during the Summer shows me on holiday in the countryside together with a cousin. A cute picture I think, one of my favorites. Note the tie and the bands at my white kneesocks. It looks like I am wearing Bavarian lederhosen, but my pants are cloth not leather. I am only wearing a halter in the lederhosen style to hold up my pants .

A photograp taken when I was 5 years old shows me in bed after just having been woken up. A photograph taken at age 5 1/4 during the Summer shows me on holiday in the countryside together with a cousin. A cute picture I think, one of my favorites. Note the tie and the bands at my white kneesocks. I only wore that tie with this halter. It looks like I am wearing Bavarian lederhosen, but my pants are cloth not leather. I am only wearing a halter in the lederhosen style to hold up my pants . Note the straps with holes to fit it to different sizes. There is a decorative horn shield in the center. Also note that the buttons for the halter are inside the waistband of my shorts. Notice the white tassles on my socks. These were knitte by my mother. When I was 5 3/4 for Christmas I got a special outfit from my father--a sailor suit with a reefer overcoat and cap for Christmas 1940. I can't remember what ship name was on the cap tally. About the same time in Fall 1940 or early Spring 1941 I had my picture taken in the fields with a cousin. We are both wearing our best suits. It must have been taken on a Sunday after church. Note that I am wearing long stockings. He was about a year older than me and thus his mother was not quite as careful as my mother who insisted on the long stockings to keep me from catching a cold. We also have different hats. He has a Tirolerhut or Seppl-Hut with a feather, often worn with Bavarian Lederhosen. I am wearing a Baskenmütze.


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Created: February 25, 2004
Last updated: February 25, 2004