Hans-J: Garments--Pants

Figure 1.--I usually wore short pants as a boy. Here I am in the garden of our home in Stuttgart during the Spring 1941. I am wearing a new pair of shorts which my mother bought in a rather large size. Notice the Argle socks. They would have been purchased rather than kitted by my mother.

At home and in school we generally wore short pants. Here I am in the garden of our home in Stuttgart during Spring 1941 (figure 1). I am wearing a new pair of shorts which my mother bought in a rather large size. Notice the Scottish tartan socks. They would have been purchased rather than knitted by my mother. Younger boys also wore long stockings with shorts during the Winter. This varied somewhat depending on one's parents. Some mothers were more protective than others. I never had Bavarian Lederhosen. Sometimes on Sundays for walking with our parents or grand parents we wore our best suits ( Ausgehanzug ) like my sailor suits with long pants. Older boys might have knicker suits. I usually wore short pants as a boy, with very few exceptions. There were the long pants on my Traininganzüge or snowsuit as did my ski suits. Also some of my sailor suits had long pants, but I had short pants sailor suits as well. My first real pair of long pants was the pair I wore with my Confirmation Suit that I got at age 14, but I only wore them for special occasions. Until I was 16 years old I continued to usually wear short pants at home and at school. Mother often purchased my shorts a size too big so I could wear them longer. I had "Knickebocker" (as we called the 'knickers') from about 1946 (11-year old) to about 1952 (17-year old), in winter, for school and as a casual clothing. Up to 1949 I wore long brown stockings below them. It was very common in Southern Germany, too.


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Created: February 24, 2004
Last updated: 3:17 PM 4/8/2009