Palestine: Activities--Holidays

Figure 1.-- This photograph ccording to a Palestunian source describes the photograph here as the celebration of the feast in the city of Jaffa in 1920. (احتفالات العيد في مدينة يافا عام ١٩٢٠ ) We think that means Ramadan. It looks to be a beach front celebration.

Several holidays are celebrated in Palestine. Until partition they were mostly religious holidays as Palestine had no national tradition and was a province of larger empires. We are not sure about public holidays during the Ottoman and British mandate era. There are currently thirteen public holidays. They include New Year's Day (January 1), Deir Yassin Rememberance (April 19), Night of the Prophet's Ascension (April 24), Labor Say (May 1), Ramadan (variable), Eid al-Fitr--of Ramadan (variable), Eid al-Adha--Feast of the Sacrifice (variable), Independence Day (November 15), Islamic New Year (November 26), Muhammad's Birth (November 30), and Christmas (December 25). Islamic and some Christian holy days are national holidays. The exact dates of the Islamic holy days change every year and are celebrated according to clerial pronouncement based on the appearance of the moon and the lunar calendar. There are now also a few national public holidays with a secular focus. In the case of all national holidays, it is the National Authority that declares them. However, regional authorities can also declare local or ad hoc holidays. Indepemence Day celebrtes the Palestinian Declaration of Independence which was written by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish and proclaimed by Yasser Arafat (November 15, 1988).


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Created: 10:27 AM 11/8/2017
Last updated: 10:27 AM 11/8/2017