Independence involved more than decaring independence and forming a provisional government. With the departure of the Germany army, Lennin and the Bolsheviks saw an opportunity retake power in Estonia. The Red Army a few days after the German departure invaded Estonia (November 28). The Russians struck the border town of Narva. Prospects for the Estonians were not good. The new independent Government had little time to organize and set up an effecive administration. Money was limited and there was no taxation system. The military units had been disbanded by the Germans and had little time to reorganize. Weapons and supplies were in short supply. Food was a special problem. The War had affected agricultural production. German control of the Baltic had prevented American food shipments from reaching Estonia. The population of the cities were close to a huminitarian disaster. Most Estonians opposed the Bolsheviks, but many were afraid to oppose them, fearing that the provisional government could not effectively resist the well-supplied invading Red Army. Fortunately for the Estonians, this was at the beginning of the Civil War. The Bolsheviks were fighting the Whites on many fronts. This limited the forces available to restablish Russian control of the Baltics. A hastily created Estonian Army with some German arms managed to stop the Red Army.
Johan Pitka played a major role in orgnizing the Defense League. He promoted armored trains which proved very effective. Because of his naval background, he was appointed commander of the Estonian Navy and supported importnt militaty operations, including Estonian offensives to take Narva from the Bolsrviks and the Landeswehr fortifications in Riga.
The British provided some milkitary support. The Estonians drove the Bolsheviks back into Russia (February 1919). The Red Army was the main, but not the only military force that had to be confronted. The Estonians fought the Landeswehr (Germnan Baltic militia) (summer 1919) and the White Russian general Bermondt (October 1919). These battles were fought to the south in Latvia.
The Bolsheviks unable to defeat the Estonians decided to end the fighting with the Estonians so they could focus on the White armies and cPoles that were a greater threat. So thge Bolsheviks abnd Estonians signed the Treaty of Tartu (February 2, 192o). The Bolsheviks in the name of the Russian SFSR renounced in perpetuity all rights to the territory of Estonia. The new Republic of Estonia rapidly obtained international recognition and was admitted to the League of Nations (1921).
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