Ian: EtonCollege --Army Cadet Force (1925)

Figure 1.-- Here we see Ian at Eton College in 1925 participating in the Armny Cadet Firce (ACF). The older oerson in the back is presumably an instructor.

We also see Ian as an older boy in the Army Cadet Force (ACF) at Eton. The British Government ended the Cadet program after Workd War I as a budgetary reduction measure. Apparently Eton continued it without government support. The ACG traces its origis back to 1869 anf by World War I was a well-established tradition at many public schools. Many like Eton did not want to drop the program. Presumably the Cadet program at Eton has more than nine boys. This may be the boys from Ian's house.


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Created: 10:25 PM 12/17/2009
Last updated: 10:25 PM 12/17/2009