Vicount Stonehaven: Children--Greville

Figure 1.-- Here we see Greville at St. Peter's Court in 1922. His brother Iab by th this time was at Eton. The caption read something like "Hawtrey vs. (Vestgate) 1922". I think that means a house match. And as there are 11 boys, they were presumably playing cricket. Here they are wearing their blazers with cricket whites. Notice the caps. We are guessing that the boys with solid color caps are the boys who have won their school colors.

Greville was born in 1910. We know little about his chilfhood. He seems to have been fond of a little dog. We do know something about his schools. He attended the same schools as Ian (St. Peter's Court and Eton, only 2 years behind him. We see photographs of Greville at both schools. They are pictures in the last few years as the photographs in this album only begin in 1920. We are unsure just how good a sportsmen Grevill was, but there were some sports photographs. One was what looks like a house competition at St. Peter's (figure 1). Here we see Greville at St. Peter's Court in 1922. His brother Ian by th this time was at Eton. The caption read something like "Hawtrey vs. (Vestgate) 1922". I think that means a house match. And as there are 11 boys, they were presumably playing cricket. Here they are wearing their blazers with cricket whites. Notice the caps. We are guessing that the boys with solid color caps are the boys who have won their school colors. He apparently pursued a military career after leaving Eton. He was a Royal Air Force squadren leader and died during World War II. We are not sure of the details.


Greville was born in 1910. We know little about his chilfhood. He seems to have been fond of a little dog.

St. Peter's Court Preparatoty School

We do know something about his schools. He attended the same schools as Ian (St. Peter's Court and Eton, only 2 years behind him. We see photographs of Greville at both schools. They are pictures in the last few years as the photographs in this album only begin in 1920. We are unsure just how good a sportsmen Grevill was, but there were some sports photographs. One was what looks like a house competition at St. Peter's (figure 1). Here we see Greville at St. Peter's Court in 1922. His brother Ian by th this time was at Eton. The caption read something like "Hawtrey vs. (Vestgate) 1922". I think that means a house match. And as there are 11 boys, they were presumably playing cricket. Here they are wearing their blazers with cricket whites. Notice the caps. We are guessing that the boys with solid color caps are the boys who have won their school colors.

Eton College

Greville like Ian when he finished at St. Peter's Court, entered Eton College. Most of the students like Ian and Greville would have been from affluent families. We notice Greville at Eton College in 1925. As the portrait has 11 boys, we assume it is a cricket team, possibly another house team. Here we belive that the circle caps signigied colors, probanly house colors. Boys at public school were encouraged to pasrticipte in games, whazt ever their skill level. This intra-school games through the house system allowed a large mumnber of biys with modest skill levels to engage in sports.

Adult Life

Greville apparently pursued a military career after leaving Eton. He was a Royal Air Force squadren leader and died during World War II. We are not sure of the details.


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Created: 8:40 PM 12/17/2009
Last updated: 12:45 AM 12/18/2009