Scottish Boys' Headwear: Peaked Military Caps

Figure 1.--This Scottish CDV is undated, but wsas probanly taken about 1890. It shows a boy about 6-7 years old wearing a dark sailor suit without the traditional stripe detailing. The suit is done in a heavy material like surge. Note the molitary peaked cap with embroiderdd designs. The photographer wasc Rae & Fergus with studios in Dumfries, and Castle-Douglas. The portrait had a tissue cover featuring an oriental design.

Scottish and other boys did not always wear sailoir headwear with sailor suits. We notice a Scottish boy wearing what looks like a late-19th century peaked British military cap (figure 1). This would have been an officer's cap. Note the enbroidered designs. We are not sure what the proper name is for these caps. He wears it with his sailor suit, probanbly about 1890. We do not think these caps were very common for boys, but our archive of 19th century Scottish images is limited. Nor do we know if these caps were worn with other outfits. As far as we know, these caps were a 19th century style.


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Created: 1:27 AM 3/11/2010
Last updated: 1:27 AM 3/11/2010