*** Scottish boys garments -- caps tam tams

Scottish Boys' Headwear: Tams

Scottish boys tams
Figure 1.--This is a watercolor minature on ivory of a little Scottish boy I think was wearing a tam. It was carried by his father during World War I. To see his father and how it was carried, click on the image.

The Tam O'Shanter is commonly associated with Scottish dress. When worn as part of Scottish outfits, the headband might have have tartan designs. HBC is not sure, however, to what extent they were actually worn in Scotland. Tams seem in any may ways similar to a Balmoral cap. I'm not sure at this time just what the differences are between a Tam O'Shanter and Balmoral. Tams are still wrn in Scotland, but rarely by boys. The only boys now wearing them are boys dressed in Highland kilts for Higland gaterings or other ethnic event. We notice some images of Scottish boys wearing tams. They were also worn by girls. We are not sure how common they were or what age boys wore them. We believe that they were worn by younger boys. We have seen both younger and older girls wearing them. There may have been social class connotations. We have limited informatioin at this time. Most of what we have found comes from the period before World war I. A good example is an unidentified younger boy with some chums in 1910. One image we have is the portrait of a little boy carried by a Scottish officer in World War I (figure 1). To see his father and how the portraits were carried, click on the image. We see two unidentified boys at a seaside resork wearing fancy tams, we think in the 1890s.


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Created: 11:13 PM 9/9/2004
Last updated: 8:21 PM 2/24/2009