Scottish Boys' Skirted Garments: Pinafores

Figure 1.--This photograph was taken in a working-class area of Glasgow (Bain Square) in 1914. Notice that the boys wear knee pants rather than kilts. Except for affluebt familie, we do not see many boys wearing kilts in Glasgow and Edinburg and the Low Lnds. The younget boy is wearing a pinafore over knee pants, rather like a smock.

We note Scottish girls and younger boys wearing pinafores in the 19th and early-20th century. Our initial assessment is that the styles and conventions were very similar to those prevalent in England, although our archive is very limnited at this time. This was a style that cut across class lines. We see boys and girls in working-class, middle-class, and upper-class families wearing pinafores. This was a style for pre-scgool boys, but girls of all ages wore them. Mot of the ones we note are white. Styles could vary. We see both very plain ones and fancy ones which might be worn with party dresses by younger girls. We notice boys wearing pinafores both with dresses and pants, ratherclike smocks. The pinafore in Scotland rapidly declined in poularity after World War I. This was the general pattern throughout Europe although we still see some girls oin the continent wearing pinafores into the 1950s.


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Created: 2:45 AM 3/28/2012
Last updated: 2:45 AM 3/28/2012