** Scottish boys tunics garments

Scottish Boys' Tunics: Ages

Figure 1.--This CDV portrait shows amother Scottish boy, an unidentified Glasgow boy, wearing a tunic outfit in the 1860s. He looks to be about school age, anout 8-9 years old. This may have been his school clothes, but we are not certain.

The ages of Scottish boys wearing tunics varied over time. We sdee both pre-school and school age boys wearing tunics. We do not yet know about the early-19th century. Before the advent of photography it is difficlt to make assessments because there are so few available images. We belive trends, at least in the Lowlands, mirrored tunic conventions in England. We see boys up to about 10-12 years of age wearing tunics at mid-century. A good example is John Napier in 1858. He was in the United States at the time. This portrait is useful because we see his older brother wearing a suit with trousers thereby showing age parameters. Amother Scottish boy, an unidentified Glasgow boy, wears a tunic outfit in the 1860s (figure 1). He looks to be about school age, anout 8-9 years old. This may have been his school clothes, but we are not certain. Tunics continued to be worn into the early-20yh century, although by somewhat younger boys as we see on the previous page.


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Created: 8:08 PM 12/25/2021
Last updated: 8:09 PM 12/25/2021