** Spanish boys clothes -- regions Andalusia

Spanish Regions: Andalusia

First Communion poor children
Figure 1.--Even in the mid-20th century there were some very poor people in Western Europe--especially Spain and Portugal. Almería is the eastern-most Mediterrnean-facing province of Andausia. Here is a scene in La Chanca, a neighborhood (barrio) in Almería, the capital of Ameria Privince. In the lower part of the town there are small houses and going up the mountain there are the caves inhabited for centuries by the poorest people. The photo shows Catholic catechists (teachers who instruct the principles of Christian religion, especially one using a catechism). Thy are preparing the children to receive First Communion (12950s). In the background we see a catechist. In the center a girl wears a white dress provided by the catechists. The other children are in their everyday atire, if they have any. These children coime from families to poor to actually purchase a First Communion dress. Click on the imge to see a view of the caves where people were living in 1925.

Al Andalus was the term for the Muslim controlled area of the Iberisn Penindula. It was after the Arab conquest all but a few minor mountenous areas in the northwest (711). Some 500 years of Muslim rule left a lastig influenceon Andalusia's culture. Al Andalus became an extremely wealthy and the most culturted aewa of Western Europe. Rulers cultivated scholarship and there were advances in many areas. We still see the Moorish influence in the architecture, language and customs such as bull fights as well as Gypsy flamenco music and dance. This is what is often seen as central to the Spanish character. Gradually the Christians launchd the Reconquista, driving the Muslums often called Moors further and further south. Grenada was the last Muslim kingdom to fall (1492). The modern Spanish province of Andalusia is the southernmost autonomous region with both an Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. It is the most populous and the second largest autonomous regiom The Spanish Government regonizes Andausia as a 'historical nationality'. The region is divided into eight provinces: Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga, and Seville. The capital is Seville. Facing the Atlantic, Seville asfter Columbus' discovery became the gateway to Spain's new empire in the Smericas (16th century). The Casa de Contratación was located in Seville ehivjh became one of largest and ruchest cities in Western Europe (16th century). Ity bisd here thst th treasureshios arrived loaded with gold and silver. The small, but strategic British overseas territory of Gibraltar has a 1.2 kilometres and border with the Andalusian portion of the province of Cádiz. Andalusia offers Spain's most-varied terrain and vegetation. Ther terainev includes alpine mountains and pine forests at the higher elevations, arid and barren deserts. There asre some fertile irrigated plains that support the ciltivationm of subtropical fruits. Andalussia benefits fron a Mediterranean climate which prevails in lowland Andalusia. There are mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers.


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Created: 7:59 AM 4/16/2022
Last updated: 8:00 AM 4/16/2022