British Preparatory Schools E-Book: Chronologies--The 1900s

Figure 1.--This image comes from the Priory Street School in Acomb, York in the North of England. It was the property of William Hudson who is second from the left in the middle row next to one of the masters. The image is undated but it is clearly from the early 1900s. It was almost certainly taken in the school yard. This was a formal photograph for display as this image is quite large and is mounted on display card. Image courtesy of the PH collection. Click on theimage to see the rest of the class. 

After the turn of the century we note far more photographs available and this we begin to get a better idea of school life. We notice quite a number of images from prep schools. Some had uniforms. As best we can tell, the general approach was suits, usually with Eton collars. Not all schools, however, had uniforms. We note quite a number of prep schools that did not have uniforms. We believe that this was especially true of smaller prep schools.

Priory Street School

This image comes from the Priory Street School in Acomb, York in the North of England (figure 1). It was the property of William Hudson who is second from the left in the middle row next to one of the masters. The image is undated but it is clearly from the early 1900s. It was almost certainly taken in the school yard. This was a formal photograph for display as this image is quite large and is mounted on display card. There was no uniform. The boys were required to wear suits, but there was no unifrm style required. The boys seem to be wearing knickers, I'm not ure if this was required. Note the Eton collars. This appears to be one class at the school. We would guess it is the older VI Form boys.


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