Photo Essays: Forms

Figure 1.--These Form III boys are working on a history class research project. Form III boys woyld be about 10 years old. 

The classes at most prep schools are called forms. There are normally six forms, not includingb the pre-prep that many prep schools now have. Some prep schools use other terms, but form is by far the most common term. This term is used at the public schools and thus is the most widely used term at the prep schools. Normally the youngest children who begin at age 8 years are the Ist formers. The oldest children are the VIth formers who begin the form at age 12, but many are 13 when they finish. The coed prep schools normally have apprimately the same number of boys and girls in the first-fourth forms, but because many girl's public schools want the girls to begin at age 11, there are fewer girls in the fifth and sixth forms. The form numbers are repeated in the public school. Thus a prep school boy completing the VI form, becomes a Ist form boy again at his public school. This same system was once used in the state system, but schools there are adopting an annul progression system, but this varies from school to school.


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