The Cold War: Germany--Soviet Occupation Policies

Figure 1.-- Propaganda showed the Soviet soldiers as being warmly received by the German people. The Germans actually avoided the Russians as much as possible. My understanding is that the Red Army soldiers were ordered not to fraternize with the Germans, but here we need more information. Stalin thought that Soviet soldiers would be contaminated politically by contact with the Germans, even East Germans. This was a commercial postcard printed in the mid-1950s to illustrate Germn-Soviet friendship. I suspect it was mostly used by Soviet soldiers to write home. I doubt if too mamy Germans would have sent this card to friends and family. The back reads, "Das Lied der deutsch-sowjetuischen Freundschaft -- ewig soll es erklingem!" Tht translates as "The song of German-Soviet froendhip -- The song of German-Soviet friendship - let it ring out forever." At the bottom it says, "Gesellschaft für Deutsch-sowjetuischen Freundschaft." That translates as, "Society for German-Soviet friendship." Put your cursor on the image to see the back.

Germany unlike Japan was also occupied by the Soviet Union. The Soviet sector was eastern Germany. The Soviet occupation policies in eastern Germany were very different than those persued in the wetern occupation zone. Austria was separated from Germany after the War and occupied by the Soviets and Western Allies. The initial arival of the Red Army was casterophic. There was widespread rapes and if the men in the family attempted to protect the women they were shot. Family valuables were carted off. After the initial violence, the situation calmed dowm. The Soviets dismantled whole factories and transported them east as war preparations. Subsequently trade agreements betweem the Soviets and East German authorities were highly favirble to the Soviets. Even so, East Germany became the most productive part of the Soviet empire. Soviet military forces were permanently garisoned in East Germany. Propaganda showed the Soviet soldiers as being warmly received by the German people. The Germans actually avoided the Russians as much as possible. My understanding is that the Red Army soldiers were ordered not to fraternize with the Germans, but here we need more information. Stalin thought that Soviet soldiers would be contaminated politically by contact with the Germans, even East Germans. The NKVD established a police state and helped the Germans set up their own secret police. Concentration camps were opened for recalcitrant Germans. The Soviets after the Cold War developed threatened to turn over authority to a new East German state which would render the joint occupation agreements invalid.

CIH -- Cold War

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Created: 6:23 AM 9/21/2006
Last updated: 6:23 AM 9/21/2006