British School Air Raid Drills: Practicing

Figure 1.--This senior boy at the Knoll School in Hove has the job of alrting the children of an air raid. He uses the wistke as he goes down the hall. He stops at each class room dor and opens it to make everyone gets the message. We are confused though that he is using a whistle, but the children put on their gas masks. Perhaps the two scenes were taken at different times.

A school air raid drill began with a senior pupil walking down the hall. Of course local sirens would alert to an actual attack. For a drill a student would be instructed to siound the alert for each classroom. Often a senior student was on duty for just such assignments or to carry messages from the headmaster. The student either blew a whistle to give a conventional air raid alert or shook a hand rattle to signal a gas attack. The student went down the hall and did his thing outside each classroom door. They even opened each door and sounded the whistle or rattle to make sure the teacher and children got the message. I am guessing the boys and girls who got that assignment thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


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Created: 4:35 PM 1/13/2014
Last updated: 4:35 PM 1/13/2014