World War II British Evacuation of Children: Tagging

Figure 1.--Here three little British girls at a London evacuation assembly point are bemused by their tags. They do not look to b old nough to read them. Only one of the girls has her gas mask box. Given the way they are dressed, it does not look like they are involved inone of the three mass evacuations. I see this image on many sites, but none have any details about it.

The children living in London and other major cities were immediately tagged liked parcels. All the children were tagged--regardless of age or even if accompaied by their parents as was the case of the youngest children. You can see this in the photographs. We believe the tagging took place at the assembly points--mostly schools. As a result all the children regardless of age could be accounted for and delivered to the correct reception point. The tags varries because they appeared to have been printed locally. And there were several different evacuations. The top indicated the city council from which the children were evacuated, such as 'London City Council'. Some said 'Goverment Evacuation'. Or the top might read Government Evacuation ad the nme of the council. Some had numbers representing the school attended. The tags typically had the child's name, home address, date of birth, and school. The school was important because the evacuations were commonly organized around school groups with teachers going with them. The school groups were placed in the same community where their teacher could help look after them. Some of the tags had a code number. We are not sure what that was. They might also have a party number. What they did not have was the destination.


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Created: 9:32 AM 7/18/2017
Last updated: 9:32 AM 7/18/2017