World War II European Air Campaign: German Jets--ME-262

Figure 1.--The ME-262 Swallow was the most poweful fighter of World War II. This is a captured ME-262 on display at Wright-Patterson air base in America after the War. The ME-262 was powered by the Junkers Jumo 004, the world's first mass-produced, turbojet engine. It generated 1,980 lb of thrust (8.8 kN). The ME-262 looked like a killer and was one. Fortunately for the Allies, Hitler both delayed its production and then prevented it from being emoloyed as an interceptor when it might have played a significant role in the air war.

The ME-262 jet was the first jet aircraft deployed for combat operations. Both the British and Americans were working on jet planes, but the Germans were several years ahead. The world's first combat jet, the ME-262, was introduced in 1944. There were 1,400 ME-262s built. The Allied bombing did not prevent the the construction of the ME-262, but according to one Messerschmitt enginner, "The bombing slowed us down." If Hitler hadn't delayed development, it could have been available to twart the Normandy Invasion. If it had been used in a coordinated fashion as a fighter, it could have ravaged the Allied bombing campaign. Clearly defending German civilians was not high on Hitler's priorities. Hitler's interference, however, prevented it from being effectively used. Hitler wanted it used as a fast bomber. [Fest, p. 670.] He wanted revenge which meant a bomber. Large numbers of ME-262s were used a tactical bombers rather than fighters. This not only diluted the impact on the Allied air campaign, but it gave the Allies time to develop tactics to use against them. The ME-262 was more sluggish on turns and vulnerable on tackeoffs and landings. American fighters targetted airfiekds where thge ME-262s were based. In addition the air campaign was drastically reducing the supply of aviation fuel. This restricted both operations and pilot training.

Hitler's Last Hope: Wonder Weapons (November 1943)

Hitler launched War with acountry that had serious weaknesses, both limited access to raw material and a limited industrial plant. Even so he was determined to launch and win a new world war. to reverse the disgrace of World War I in which he fought. His strategic concept was to defeat his enemies in detail, before hey could form an unbeatable allianace and prepare for war. He nearly suceeded, but the Englih Channel stopped the Panzers anf the Channel and the British RAF prevented the Luftwaffe from forcing the British out of the War. Thus from an early point of the War, technology began to ail the Germans. Frustrated in the West, Hitler turned east. Again he nearly succeeded, but the campaign he mastermined proved a disaster. The Red Army counter-offensive before Moscow (1941), Stalingrad (1942), and Kursk (1943) began to bleed the Whermacht dry. With America in theWr, the Whermact was badly out numbered on all fronts. Hitler's only hope was technology and German scientists and technicians had been hard at work on a wide range of new wepons. Some like the V-2 were technological marvels, but of no real military use. One weapon was of potentially great military potential--jet aircraft. Hitler had delayed the jet proram, but no jets and the other wonder weapons were his only real hope. A few months after Kursk, his failed hope of regaining the ininitiative in the East, Hitler was shown many of the most promisng new weapons (November 26, 1943). By then he was enthusiastic about jet aircraft. And indeed, jets held the potential to regain air superiority. But wht Hitler wnted was vengence. He wanted planes that could drop bombs as he Allies were doing. As a result while being shown the wonder weapns, he engaged Willy Messeschmitt in conversation. [Door] Any one with even the most minimal understanding of the air war understood that jet power could be used to build fighters that could bring down the bomber fleet pounding the Reich as well as esorts. And the ME-262 was almost ready to go into full production. Hitler discussed how the new plane could be used with Messeschmitt. And Messerschmtt like all successful men in NAZI Germany knew, the way to influence and reward was to give Hitler what he wanted. And Hitler wanted a bomber. Messerschmidt asuured Hitler that the ME-262 could be modified to carry a bomb. Hitler created the system that caused Messerschmidt to humor him and thus paradoxially end any hope of prolonging the War. For the rest of the War, Hitler continued to demand that this potent figher which could have dramtically be used to change the course of the Air War was used orimarily as a bomber thus negating a major technical advance. And within weeks, the American P-51 Mustangs began appearing in the skies over Germany to protect the bomber strems.


The ME-262 jet was the first jet aircraft deployed for combat operations. Both the British and Americans were working on jet planes, but the Germans were several years ahead. The world's first combat jet, the ME-262, was introduced (April 1944). The major delay was in the production of jet engines. The British introduced the Meteor (July 1944), but declind to deploy it outsude the British Isles. So the two jets never met in combat.


The ME-262 was powered by the Junkers Jumo 004 was the world's first mass-produced, turbojet engine. It was designed by Dr. Anselm Franz. It used axial-flow compressors, afterburning, and a variable area exhaust nozzle. It generated 1,980 lb of thrust (8.8 kN). The axial-flow design was the optiion best suited for a streamline design, but it put great stress on the rotors and German metalurgy given the stress of the War was not up to the challenge. As a result they would have to be changed after only a few hours of operation. The original Jumo 004 A model flew for the first time (1942), but it would be two years before refinements were made and production began in quantity. The Japanese were very intetested in jet technology. A Jumo 004 and technical drawings were loaded on to the U-234 which attempted to deliver German advanced weaponry and refined uranium to Japan.


The ME-262 was the most potent fighter in World War II. Only Hitler's interference prevented the plane from having a major impact in the War. One author writes, :It was perhaps the most revolutionary fighter aircraft of World War II. With over a dozen major design options, the fighter version bristled with firepower of up to four 30mm nose-mounted, as well as the ability to carry four R4M air-to-air rockets, and it was capable of flying 120 miles per hour faster than the North American P-51 Mustang. It was the only mass-produced German fighter that could contend with the speed of the vaunted Havilland Mosquito. When a skilled Me-262 pilot was operatomg the plane, anything non-German was a potential victim. German aeronautical engineeing and science had created a truly formidable weapon." [Heaton]


The Germans were ready to produce the ME-262 (November 1943). Production was impaired by the disagreement between Hitler and the Luftwaffe staff as to whrther it was to be built as a bomber or fighter. The Germans built 1,400 ME-262s. The Allied bombing did not prevent the the construction of the ME-262, but according to one Messerschmitt enginner, "The bombing slowed us down."


Hitler upon being informed that production of the ME-262 could begin immediately asked, "Can this aircraft carry bombs?" Even though German cities were being pounded by Allied bombers. The ever compliant Göring answered, "Yes, my Führer, theoretically yes." The plane was ready for production as a fighter. Fixing bomb racks would have delayed production. Lutwaffe Field Marshal Milch, the Director of Air Armament, knowing how desperately fighters were needed, ordered production of the planes to begin as a fighter. Göring did not actively involve himseld in Luftwaffe day to day operations, so it was some time before he and Hitler learned of this. Hitler finally learned and ordered Milch to explain (May 1944). Milch spoke bluntly in a way Hitler was unaccutomed, "My Führer, the smallest infant can see that this is a fighter, not a bomber aircraft!" Hitler and others were stunded. Within day Milch was dismissed and given a minor assignment. Hitler insisted that the plane be built as the "Blitz Bomber". Even Speer did not dare disobey Hitler on the issue. Thus production was impaired at this critical point in the War. Hitler after the defeat of the German 7th Army in France relented (September 1944). By that time small-scale production of the new jet bomber, the Arado-234, began. Hitler agreed that for every Arado produced, he would permit a ME-262 to be deployed as a fighter.


If Hitler hadn't delayed development, it could have been available not only to meet Allied bombers over Germany, but to twart the Normandy Invasion (June 1944). Instead the Luftwaffe was virtually destroyed by the P-51s in the skies over Germany and the D-Day landings were virtually unopposed by the Luftwaffe.

Deployment (August 1944)

The ME-262 was first used (August 1944). The Germans shot diwn 19 Allied aircraft. Its performance shocked the Allies and exceeded that of any aircraft in the llied inventory. [Heaton] If it had been used in a coordinated fashion as a fighter, it could have ravaged the Allied bombing campaign. Clearly defending German civilians was not high on Hitler's priorities. Hitler's interference, however, prevented it from being effectively used. Hitler wanted it used as a fast bomber. [Fest, p. 670.] He wanted revenge which meant a bomber. Large numbers of ME-262s were, as a result,used a tactical bombers rather than fighters. The first ME-262 unit was activated near Osnabrück, a small town in northern Germany near the Dutch border (October 3, 1944). They were position here because this was along the route of Allied bombers attacking Germany fromn English bases. At the time, the Allies after the victory in France had resumed the strtegic mombing campaign. The base was commanded by a young Luftwaffe officer Major Walter Nowotny, one of the most decorated German aces.


The first ME-262 combat missions was against the fast British Mosquitos that were being used for reconnaissance. Only later were they used to attack Allied bomber formations. Here they scored some success, but the massive dimebsions of the strategic bombing force and changes in Allied tactics meant that the impact on the strtegic bombing campaign was limited. The escorts started staying closer to the bombers.

Allied Fighter Tactics

Hitler's interference not only diluted the impact on the Allied air campaign, but it gave the Allies time to develop tactics to use against them. The ME-262 was more sluggish on turns and vulnerable on tackeoffs and landings. American fighters targetted airfields, lingering over the air fields where thge ME-262s were based. Thus most of the kills of 262s were while landing or taking off. Tere were some air combat engagemnts where P-51s were able to get a jump on the jets if they were higher and were able to get inside the ME-262 turn radius. After the 8th Air Force gave permission for the escorts to fly ahead of the bombers the 51s had the opportunities to engage the ME-262s. When the escorts were restricted to close air protection they had no chance against German jets, but away from the bomber formation they were able to get the jump on some ME-262s. No other piston engine fighter could do this. They had the range to get to where the jets would be waiting to combat the bombers. The P-52s had almost the same maneuverability as the Spitfire and in a dive while closing a circle they could get within gun range of the jets.


The ME-262 was fast and heavily gunned. It out-classed any plane in the Allied inventory. There were, however, a number of weaknesses. The most serious was the small number of ME-262s availavle to combat the huge number of Allied bombers. Another serious problem was the declining number of experienced pilots. There were also technical weaknesses. Jet engines were still very new. The engines had to be given a entire overall after only 12 hours of flying. This meant that much of the small number of ME-262s at any given time was unavailble for combat operations, undergoing maintenance. In addition the ME-262 was very vulnerable during take offs and landings and American fighters lingered over the ME-262 bases to capture the planes at this vunerabnle tinme. The commander of the German base at Osnabrück was killed as he was trying to land (November 8, 1944). Another noted Luftwaffe Ace, General Galland observed the incident. He was there to discuss the role of the ME-262s in his planned Der Grosse Schlag (the Great Blow). Also the ME-262 jet engines were very vulnerable and it would only take a few .50 caliber mg bullets.

Strategic Bombing Campaign

The stategic bombing campaign affected the ME-262 program in a number of ways. The bombing impaired production, both assembling the planes and manufacturing the components. Particularly important was the shit toward attacking the Germany's petroleum infrastructure. In addition the air campaign was drastically reducing the supply of aviation fuel. This restricted both operations and pilot training.


Door, Robert F. Fighting Hitler's Jets: The Extrodinary Storyof the Americn AirmenWo Beat the Luftwaffe and Defeated Nazi Germany (2014), 304p.

Fest, Joachim C. Hitler (Vintage Books: New York, 1974), 844p.

Heaton, Colin D. The Me 262 Stormbird: From the Pilots Who Flew, Faught, and Survived It (2012), 336p.


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Created: 3:37 AM 7/17/2005
Last updated: 6:19 AM 2/12/2014