* World War II -- biographies Hans-Jörg Hartmann Ariernachweis (Aryan Certification)

Hans-Jörg Hartmann: Ariernachweis (Aryan Certification)

Figure 1.--This is Hartman's hefty stack of documents compiled to prove his Aryan lineage dating back to 1750. This earned him the needed Großer Ariernachweise. Hartmann was able to join the SS (October 1, 1935). His SS number was 272,292.

The rise of the NAZIs was a boon to geneologists. It became important to obtain an Ariernachweis (Aryan certificate). This was a document needed to certified that an individual was Aryan. This did not nean German. It refered to NAZI racial doctrine and the core NAZI concept of a Herrenrass/Herrenvolk (master race). NAZI ideology which claimed the the Nordic or Aryan races, predominant among Germans and other northern European peoples, were at the peak of a racial hierarchy and uniuquely capable of creating high culture. Not only were other races seen as inferior, but some were seen as ciruopting culture--especially the Jews. Africans and Slavs were also demionized. Upon seizing power (January 1933), they immediately moved to begin implementing their racial doctrine. The NAZIs now controling the German state required all employees and officials in the public sector, including education. This was done by the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (April 1933). To demonstrate this an Ariernachweis was required. The NAZIs also passed the Reichserbhofgesetz (Land Heritage Law/State Hereditary Farm Law (1933)> This was implemented on the basis of the Blood and Soil doctine. The purpoose was to: 'preserve the farming community as the blood-source of the German people'. An Ariernachweis was also needed to become a Reich citizen, for people of German or related blood who wanted to become a Reich citizens. This became more formally established with the issuance of the Nuremberg Laws (1935). Scandaavians in particular were considered to be Aryan. Al of this took place before anyrging was known abour DNA. The NAZIs primarily used skin, gair, and eye color as indivctors. There were all sorts of charlatans, looking for Government grabts, who tried to devedlop 'scientific' measures such as scull shape. There were two main types of Ariernachweis. First was the Kleiner Ariernachweis (Lesser Aryan certificate) and second was the Großer Ariernachweis (Greater Aryan certificate). The Kleiner Ariernachweis required seven birth or baptism certificates (a combination was accepytable), Thuis meant the individual requesting the certificaten, his parents and grandparents) and three marriage certificates (parents and grandparents) or certified proofs thereof: This would form the basus for either thev issuance of a Ahnenpass (ancestor's passport) or a Ahnentafel (certified genealogical table). The second type of Ariernachweis was the Großer Ariernachweis (Greater Aryan certificate). This was needed to meet the the requirements of the Reichserbhofgesetz (land heritage law) and membership in the Nazi party. The Großer Ariernachweise required documentatiion needed to trace the family ancestry to 1800. The SS required documentation to 1750 for officer andidates. The stated goal was Preserving the Purity of German Blood. Only those who has documentation gong reaching back to January 1, 1800 that "none of their paternal nor their maternal ancestors had Jewish or colored blood" coul be issued a Großer Ariernachweise. [Heinemann, p. 54.] Hans-Jörg was one of countless Germans who compiled the docyments needed for an Großer riernachweis. In his case documentatiion back to 1750 was required because he wanted to be a SS officer. Ariernachweis.


Heinemann, Isabel. Rasse, Siedlung, deutsches Blut (Wallstein Verlag: 1999).


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Created: 9:12 PM 9/17/2020
Last updated: 9:12 PM 9/17/2020