German Annexation of the Sudetenland: Ethnic Czechs

Figure 1.--These Czechs after the NAZI takeover are arriving at a railroasd station to get out of the Sudentenlsnd. Many left of their on accord. The NAZIs forced masny others out and condiscvated their homes, shops, and farms. There were severe limitations placec on the property that the Czechs could take with them. Put your cursor on the image to see the rest of the Czech refugees here.

Hitler assured Chamberlain, "We want no Czechs." But by insisting that the international commission use the figures of the Austro-Hungarian census for 1910 instead of those of the Czechoslovakian census for 1930, Germany was able to claim additional territory that was predominantly populated by Czechs. The German population in Czechoslovalia was concentrated in the Sudetenland, about 3 million people. There were also a minority of ethnic Czechs and a few Jews living there. The Czechs and other non Germans were given 10 days to leave. The Czech Army began its withdrawal (September 30). This included the the strategic passes, mountain fortresses.The Germans threatened that any Czech military presence found in Sudetenland after the deadline would considered a violation of Germany's sovereignty and shot. Tere were incidents as the Czechs ecacuated. A German mob in Cesky Krumlov fired on the retreating Czech soldiers. In msany towns, the shops and homes belonging to Czechs and Jews were ransacked. A railroad station clerk who refused to turn the office funds over to local NAZI freebooters was shot dead. Civilians also departed in droves. Severe limitations were placed on the poroperty thst they could take with them. Czechs registered their nationality, thus it was relastively easy to decided who was Czech and who was German. I an not sure how the issue of intermarriage was handled.


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Created: 7:36 AM 6/3/2010
Last updated: 7:36 AM 6/3/2010