* World War II French refugees Paris inundated 1940

German Western Offensive: French Refugees--Paris Inundated (May 1940)

Figure 1.--This wire service photo appeared in American newspapers. The caption read, "Orphans Find Haven in Oaris: French boys, who have been temporarily or permanently orphaned, are being cared for at a home in Paris. The group numbers about 80; some were separated from their parents in the mass evacuations, some of their fathers are still mobilized or imprisoned, and yet others were made orphans when their fathers and mothers were killed during the German Blitzkrieg through France. In some cases, the home acts as a clearing house to reunite the children with their parents. The photo shows: To build up their run-down bodies. The boys line up to submit to doses of cod livr oil as administerd by a matron." The boys seem stoic about the foul tasting stuff, but after what they have been through, this was probably the least of their worries. The photograph was taken November 25, 1940.

Most of the Belgian and northern French refugees at first headed for Paris. Paris is a large city with many churches, schools, hospitals and other facilities. Masses of refugees flowed into the city. Many were in terrible conditions, especially those arriving on foot. We have not yet been able to find data on th numbers involved. Welfare facilities in the city, however, were overwhelmed with the number of refugees arriving from the north. Caring for the children involved even greater problems than intact families. Families tried to stay together, but this was not always possible. In other instances, families were separated in the growing chaos. Parents were in some cases killed or injured. So there were both children temporarily separated from their families as well as orphaned children. As panic spread the numbers only increased. There was still hope that the Germans could be stopped.


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Created: 7:16 AM 10/25/2013
Last updated: 5:39 PM 10/25/2013