* World War II -- Finland child evacuations destimation Denmark residebtial care of the children

World War II Finnish Child Evacuations to Denmark: Ressidential Arrangements

Figure 1.--The only information on the back of the this photigraph was 'finska barn ??a Söderby' meaning Finish chidren in Söderby. Söderby is a village near Copenhagen. Thevphitograph is dated May 9, 1943. We think they are children being cared for in a group home where they are beinf schooled rather than placed with individual families.

We do not have much information on the residential arrangemenrs for the Finnish refugee children in Denmark. Many of the children cared for in Sweden were taken in by families and cared for in private homes. It was a rare country in NAZI occupied Europe where families could take in another mouth to feed. There was also residential care for the children. This was in part because they were not in good physical condition and needed medical care. Denmark took in a smaller number of Finish children. And we relatively few images of the children in Denmark. And we have no written assessment of the Danish effort. We note one reference to Danish families taking in Fnnish children. So far we have no images of the Finnish children being cared for at home. We have found one school image which we think may mean that the children were boatded in some kind if institution arrangement rather than homes. Unfortunately we just do not nuch information on how the children were cared.


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Created: 10:31 AM 4/20/20208
Last updated: 10:31 AM 4/20/2020