World War II Pacific Island Territories: The Marshall Islands--Population

World War II Marshall Islands
Figure 1.-- Here we see some of the native Marshall Islands population. This was take by an American sailor station on the island after the 1944 invasion.

The population of the Marshall Islands are of Micronesian origin. This means people who began a series of migrations from Southeast Asia. The population has a matrilineal culture organized on a complex system of clans and lineages based on land ownership. Most of the population is Christian, primarily Protestant. Only 4 islands and 19 atolls are actually inhabited. The terrains is primarly coral, limestone, and sand. This limits the population that can be supported. The total area of the islands is 181 square kilometers, about 60 percent of which is farmed. About half the population is located on Majuro Atol. We are not sure about the civilian population of the Marshalls was at the time of the War, but it seems less than 10,000 people.


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Created: 9:12 AM 1/29/2009
Last updated: 9:12 AM 1/29/2009