** war and social upheaval: World War II -- Italian attititude toward the Americans

World War II: Italian Attitudes toward the Americans

Figure 1.--.

The Italians had somewhat mixed feelings about the British--not hostile, but mixed. The Americans were a different matter. One factor of course was the German invasion. But even more important, Mussolini was one of the few Italians who desired to go to war with America and the declaration of war was forced upon him by Hitler. . Not only were there large numbers of Italian-Americans in the American Army, but many Italians had connections with America. Large numbers of Italians had lived in America or had relaives in America. Italians immigrants were one of the most important immigrant groups entering America during the late-19th abd early-20th century. And Italians were almost unique among the immigrant groups in the number who returned to Italy. Precise numbers are not available, but perhaps half of the Italians returned. Unattached men were particularly prone to compiling a nestegg and then returning to Italy to buy a small farm or store. Many Germans of course also emigrated to America, but over aonger period. . Few returned to Germany and many who stayed lost contct with relatives in Germany. Usually countries are invaded by countries with a history of hostility. This was not the case of the American Army which invaded Italy. The American units entering Italian cities were treated like liberators and the advance of Allied armies was treated much like the advance further north in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. As a result, the entry of the American Army into Germany and Japan was very different.



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Created: 7:23 AM 4/25/2011
Last updated: 7:23 AM 4/25/2011