World War II: Harty Van Engelen -- School

Figure 1.--I was a good student and enjoyed school. As with everything else, the War affected my schooling. Here I am in school just before the schools closed and my schooling ended until our liberation.

By Harty van Engelen

I was a good student and enjoyed school As with everything else, the War affected my schooling. As the occupation continued, the Germans started to occupy more schools, including my own school and our classes were now located in the basement of the rectory of the nearby church, with once a week the accompaniment of organ music from the church above us, performed by a well-known local organist and piano teacher. One really had to have an well-tuned ear to listen to Widor’s Toccata from his Fifth Symphony or other compositions. This was our final year in the elementary school and with five other students, I was being prepared for entrance examinations to a lyceum or gymnasium. I had selected the Christian Lyceum in Hilversum for my further education. As I had passed successfully, I started in the new school on 1 September 1944, unfortunately it only lasted fourteen days, just because of another hopeful sign of our liberation -- Market Garden.



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Created: 5:23 PM 12/24/2017
Spell checked: 10:36 PM 1/5/2018
Last updated: 10:36 PM 1/5/2018