*** World War II -- Australia World War II Stastute of Westminister

World War II Australia: Statute of Westminister (1931-42)

Australian World War II Statute of Westminister
Figure 1.--The British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminister (1931). his gave the Dominions full control over their fioreign policy. Home rule was long since established. For some reason, the Australlian Parliment did not ratify it. With the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the onset of the Pacific War, the Australians turned to the Americans. Gen. MacArthur arrived (March 1942) and the first Anmerica forces (April). The Battle of the Cral Sea was fought (May). The Australian Parliamengt quickly ratified the Satute of Wesminster (1942).

The British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminister (1931). his gave the Dominions full control over their foreign policy. Home rule was long since established. Fir some reason, the Australlian Parliment did not ratify it. The Australian Army was committed to the British effort in the Western Desert defending the Suez Canal and played a key role in the campaign (1940-42). Deploying the Army to North Africa, however, left Australia largely undefended when the Japanese declared war. Before the War, Australians had looked on Britain and the Royal Navy as their primary defense. After Pearl Harbor, however, the Royal Navy proved incapable of resisting the Japanese. The Japanese seizure of the British bastion at Singapore left Australia exposed to the Japanese. Prime-Minister Curtin wanted them back leading to a row with Prime-Minister Chuchill. The Japanese Navy prevented America from resupplying and reinforcing Gen. MacArthur in the Philippines. MacArthur was ordered out of the Philippines and undertook command of Australian and American units in the South Pacific. The Japanese Army was badly over extended. As a result, Australia had the men needed to defend their country. Australia, however, did not have the needed industy to build ships, planes, and heavy weaponns need to fight the Japanbese. Here Amoerica was needed. American servicemen and supplies in quantuty began arriving (April 1942). The U.S. Navy turned back a Japanese naval task force in the Coral Sea (May 1942). The Japanese persisted with ground firces. Ausr=tralian infantry would do much of the fighting in New Guina. American men and material did flow into Australia. Australian politicians decided that in the future the country had to have greater control over declaring war and deploying its military forces. Parliament finally adopted the Statute of Westminster, giving it complete authority over its own affairs. The Australian Government backdated it to 1939 to pass their own Declaration of War.


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Created: 7:41 PM 3/25/2023
Last updated: 7:41 PM 3/25/2023