*** war and social upheaval: World War II Europen Theater -- Sweden children

World War II: Sweden--The Children

Swedish World War II children
Figure 1.--Here we see some Swedish childrenn off to summer camp in 1940 only 2 months after the NAZIs invaded neighboring Denmark and Norway. The photo caption read, "De första kolonibarnen reste från Östra Stationen." meaning 'The first colony (summer camp) children traveled from the Östra [Stockholm Eastern] Station.' The newspaper caption read, 'De yngsta resenärerna foro med tåg från Östra station: Skada att inte alla stockholmara som gett till Barnens dag fingo se den glada avfärden när amåbarnskolonien i Ellassons by på måndag förmiddag reste ut till Barnesn Ö från Östra station. Med förväntan i blanka ögon och de små väskorna eller bästa dockan härt kramad i handen stodo de 300 yngsta sommargästerna och väntade på att bli uppropade till sina olika vagnar för att fara bort från heta trottoarer i den sommargassiga staden till bad och lantliv ute i skärgården. Visserligen blev det här och där en liten gråtkonsert, när mamma sade adjö, men 'det brukar snart gå över bara vi kommit ett stycke ut på banan', tröstade överledaren folkskollärare C.F. Wickholm som har god erfarrenhet, eftersom han i många år förestått amåbarnskolonien.' That translates as something like, 'The youngest travelers left by train from Östra station: ????? that not all Stockholmers who gave to Children's Day had a good time seeing the happy departure when the Amoy children's colony (summer camp) in Ellasson's village on Monday morning traveled to Barnesn Ö from Östra station. With the expectation in shiny eyes and the small bags or the best doll hugged in hand, the 300 youngest summer guests stood waiting to be called to their various wagons to move away from hot sidewalks in the summer-gaseous city to swimming and country life out in the archipelago. Admittedly, this and there was a little crying concert, when my mother said goodbye, but 'it will usually go away after only a bit on the tracks,' the headmaster comforted the folk-school teacher C.F. Wickholm, who has good experience, since he has for many years presided over the colony of children." Swedish readers are encouraged to improve our translation.

In our websites we are especially interested in the impact on children of historicl events and the lesser impact that children have had on history. We do not have a lot of information on Swedish children during the War. Of all the children in Europe our assessment is thar that they probably made out better than children in any other country. There were no evacuations as in Britain which turned the lives of children upside down. In fact, after the Soviets invaded neighboring Finland, Sweden took in large numbers of Finnish evacuee children. There was no bombing or distructive military campigns. Fathers and brothers ere not seprated from families. Women were not mobilized for war work. There were no mass civilian casualties. Swedish kids went to school as was the case before the War. Scouting orograms continued. Recreational program like swimming, camos, and outings continued to an extent. Fuel shortages was one of the major constraints. Oil was virtutally unobtainable affecting both industry and jobs. This was also trur of coal. Children were affected because their fathers were unemployed. Transport was also affected whivh has economic implivations as well as family travel. Food had to nbe rationed. This was notbas severevas mostbcountries, but civilians werevaffected. The inability to import products in quantity affected the availability of food products not grown in high lattitude countries like coffee. As for children the most significant commodity was sugar. Thw avaiability of candy was thus sharply reduced. Chocalate was basically unknown, until after the War.

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Created: 3:55 AM 2/8/2020
Last updated: 3:55 AM 2/8/2020