* World War II -- Puerto Rico

World War II: Puerto Rico (1939-45)

Figure 1.--This press photograph shows Puerto Rican teenagers in Bayamon signing up for the Citizens Military Training Corps (CMTC) (July 31, 1939). The press caption read, "With the defense of Puerto Rico as the key to the defense of the Panama Canal, it has been made center of a new military deparment under Brig. Gen. Edmund L. Dalfy, these boys are part of the 750 who signed up with the Citizens Military Training Coros at Camp Buchanan in the city of Bayamon, across the bay frim the capital city of San Juan. Were it not for the tropical atmosphere, it might be a scene from any ofthe CMTO camps in the United States."

Puerto Rico was American territory and as part of the United States was involved in American defense preparations as World War II broke out. America was especially concerned with the defense of the Panama Canal, a key element in American defense planning--especialy naval operations. Puerto Rico was Smerica's major defensive Caribbean position to defend the Canal. The United States, however did not build a major naval base on Purto Rico. This changed with the outbreak of World War II in Europe and the stunning German successes. One proposed site was Ceiba along the eastern coast. The first proposal was for va naval air station. With war in Europe and the derrorating Pacific situation. American planners saw the need for airbases rhtoughout the Caribbean. And Ceiba wa one of them. President Roosevelt ordered the creation of the base (1940). Suddenly Congress which had severely restructed military funding was prepared to auhotize major spending projects. Congewss authorized $50 million (equivalent to $869 million in 2019) to develop a protected anchorage in the sea area between Puerto Rico and Vieques. Navy Secretary Frank Knox mamed in Roosevelt Roads (May 1941. The President signed a naval works bill authorized another $22 million (equivalent to $382 million in 2019) for a protected fleet anchorage at Roosevelt Roads. The British had many important naval bases in the Caribbean, but hard-pressed by the Germans lacked the resources to expand these bases. The United States had the resources which led to Bases for Destoyers Deal (1940) . The Americans far fewer, the major other base beiung Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Puerto Rico commanded important Alantic approached to the Canal. The Canal allowed American ships to moce from the Atlanic to the Pacific as required. It was also vital in the movement of strategic materials. The principal American plan in event of war was Plan Orange. As part of that plan the 295th and 296th Infantry Regiments of the Puerto Rican National Guard were called into Federal Active Service and assigned to the Puerto Rican Department (October 1940). Military training were conducted at Camp Las Casas in Santurce. They were assigned to the segregated 65th Infantry Regiment. Purto Ricans assigned to the 295th and 296th regiments of the Puerto Rican National Guard were trained at Camp Tortuguero near Vega Baja. Naval authorities wanted to expand Caribbean naval facilities. Construction of a massive new naval base began--U.S. Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. The initial plans were reduced because the major naval theater became the North Atlantic. And as aesult of Americ's developing alliance with Britain, the British turned over Caribbean ports to the U.S. Navy--the 'Bases for Destoyers' deal. The United States prepared a force to intervene in Martique because authorities there were loyal to the Vichy Government in occupied France and the location of French naval units there. This proved unecessary when authorities there went over to the Free French sise. Puerto Rican units were used both to defend the Canal and in the European theater. Some 65,000 Puerto Ricans sserved in the armed servics during the War.


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Created: 1:13 AM 1/7/2008
Last updated: 11:01 PM 11/22/2020