Simpson's Hosiery (Fall-Winter 1936-37)

Figure 1.-- Simpsons was a major Canadian store. They had had a hosiery page in its 1936-37 Fall-Witer catalog. It is interesting because it offered all three major types of chilften's hosiery, long stockings, knee socks, and ankle socks. It shows the transirtion from long stockings which were almost universal in the 1920s to knee socks and ankle socks which became more important in the 1930s. There were different kinds of long stockings worn by both boys and girls. Note that knee socks were called golf socks and were for boys. They were turn-over-top socks with patterns on the turn over tops. he layout of the page suhggests that both long stockings ad now knee socks were commonly worn, although the knee socks were just for boys. Ankle socks seem less common, but this may be a seasonal matter as this was the Fall-Winter catalog. We need a Sopring-Summer page to assess seasonality. There are sizes indicated, but we are not yet sure how they correlte to ages.

Simpsons was a major Canadian store. They had had a hosiery page in its 1936-37 Fall-Witer catalog. It is interesting because it offered all three major types of chilften's hosiery, long stockings, knee socks, and ankle socks. It shows the transirtion from long stockings which were almost universal in the 1920s to knee socks and ankle socks which became more important in the 1930s. There were different kinds of long stockings worn by both boys and girls. Long stockings seem still the most prominant type of hosiery. In America they were going out of fashion for both boys and girls. Presumably climate was a factor here. Note that knee socks were called golf socks and were for boys. They were turn-over-top socks with patterns on the turn over tops. he layout of the page suhggests that both long stockings ad now knee socks were commonly worn, although the knee socks were just for boys. Ankle socks seem less common, but this may be a seasonal matter as this was the Fall-Winter catalog. We need a Sopring-Summer page to assess seasonality. There are sizes indicated, but we are not yet sure how they correlate to ages. We supect they arethe same as American sizes. Hopefully our Canadian resders will have some insight on this.


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Created: 7:48 PM 4/11/2013
Last updated: 3:28 PM 4/12/2013