** historical girls' clothing fashion costume styles countries Russia

Historical Girls' Clothing: Countries--Russia

Russian girl hairbows
Figure 1.-- At the time of the Revolution hair bows were immensly popular in the West, more popular than in Russia. While fashion was not incouraged in Soviet society. Hair bows were very popular with girls. Rguis Russia girl with her polla-dot dress and Oeter Pan collar was photograohed in 1961.

We do not yet have much information on Russia girl's clothing. Befire the Revolution, the Russian middle class and aristicracy dressed much like their counterparts in the West. We believe that French vfashions were an important influemce. Tsar Nicholas has six faughters who were dressed rather plainly and extebsiveky photographed. The photographic record suggests that most girls from families in comfortable conditioins were dressed in more elaborate dresses. We have much less infornation on worrking class fashiins and Russia's larger rural population. The boys of course wore tunics which became very fashionnle in the West at the turn of the 20th cntury. There does not seem to have been any comparable style for girls. After the Revolution we no longer see elaboratre dresses for girls. An exceotion here was hairbows which became a fashion standard for Russian girls into the 1960s. We have just begin to assess Russian girls' styles during the Soviet era.


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Created: 3:31 AM 6/13/2021
Last updated: 3:31 AM 6/13/2021