Historical Girls' Clothing: Swedish Garments-- Headwear

Swedish girls headwear
Figure 1.--This photograph shows Swedish girls wishing King Gustav happy birthday on his 85th birthday. It was 1943 duruing Wiorkd War II. Until 1943 it was very likely that Germany might invade Sweden. By 1943 as Germanm military power declined, invasion becanme less likekly. The girls wear headwaear and coats. Notice how warmly they are dressed even though it is June.

Headwear was common in the 19th century throughout Europe . This began to decline in the 20th century except for winterwear. Most children wore headwear when the weather turned cold. This was especially the case in Svabndanavia where because of the northerly location, the weather was colder and winter persisted longer than in southerrn Europe. We see all kinds of winter headwear, including berets, stocking caps, fur lined hoods, amd other styles. Hats were somewhat less common for winterwear because wide brims had the habit of fly off in gusts of wind.


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Created: 1:19 AM 5/12/2018
Last updated: 1:19 AM 5/12/2018