*** historical girls' clothing fashion costume styles countries Ukraine

Historical Girls' Clothing: Countries--Ukraine

Ukranian girls clothing
Figure 1.--We see Ukranian women and even girls commonly wearing swals, especially the peasntry. This was less common in the city and this convention began to deckline after World War II. This girl. we think in the 1970s, is wearing a shawl. It looks to us, however, that this was not her normal dress, but she is waring it as a kind of playful homage to traditionl styles. .

Traditional Ukrainian styles according go one source trace back to the Kievan Rus. We are not sure about that, but it could be to some extent due to the fact that that fashion changed ver slowly during the medievl era. In most of Europe what we call today traditional and folk styles. There are of coirse a variety of outfis. The look or decoration can vary regionally. The basic outfit was a home made shirt or blouse worn with a long skirt (vyshyvanka). White the blouse may be basic, they are decorated by colorful embriodered designs on the collar, cuffs and hem. A girl traditionally wears her blouse without outerwear, at least during the summer. A married woman covers her hair with a shawl and wears a vest-like jacket over her blouse. Shawls seem very common and until after World War II were very commonly worn in Ukraine, especially by the peasantry. Further decorations are various accessories like belts, jewelery and headdresses. This can be a shawl or floral wreath, decorated with colorful ribbons and fresh and artificial flowers. Beads and coins were often added as astatus symbols. Stalin set out to destroy the Ukranisn peasantry (1930s). This today these garments are worn for special occasions and celebrations.


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Created: 3:37 PM 5/8/2023
Last updated: 3:38 PM 5/8/2023