Rubber: Uses in Clothing

Figure 1.--

Most of the early uses of rubber were in the clothing industry during the early and mid-19th century and were related to the unique features of rubber. Rubber could be spread on fabric or molded for use in footwear. It was waterproof and highly pliable. It was extremely elastic, could be compressed or streached and then bounce back. It a nutshell there was really nothing like it. The waterproofing properties made it useful in producing waterproof raincoats as well as water repellant fabrics. Galoshes and rubber covers for shoes were also developed. The Union Army extensively used it in the Civil War for waterproof tents, ponchos, and containers. The elacity of rubber also made it useful to use in elastic bands are elasticized clothing as closeners such as on boy's knicker bloomers worn in the mid-19th century. We are not sure just who developed elastic and when. Another important product was rubber Welington boots and rubber-sole shoes eventually leading to modern sneakers, initially called plimsols in England. In addition to the clothing items, we also want to develop a chrionology of rubber used in clothing.


Most of the early uses of rubber were in the clothing industry during the early and mid-19th century and were related to the unique features of rubber. Rubber could be spread on fabric or molded for use in footwear. It was waterproof and highly pliable. It was extremely elastic, could be compressed or streached and then bounce back. It a nutshell there was really nothing like it. The waterproofing properties made it useful in producing waterproof raincoats as well as water repellant fabrics.


Galoshes and rubber covers for shoes were also developed. The Union Army extensively used it in the Civil War for waterproof tents, ponchos, and containers. The elacity of rubber also made it useful to use in elastic bands are elasticized clothing as closeners such as on boy's knicker bloomers worn in the mid-19th century. We are not sure just who developed elastic and when. Another important product was rubber Welington boots and rubber-sole shoes eventually leading to modern sneakers, initially called plimsols in England.


In addition to the clothing items, we also want to develop a chrionology of rubber used in clothing. We note waterproof baby pants in 1914 that seem to have rubberized liners, but did not use elaric at the waistine or leg hems.


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Created: 7:09 PM 7/7/2011
Last updated: 7:09 PM 7/7/2011