Boys' Historical Clothing: New Pages--April 2008

Figure 1.--.

Some HBC readers tell us that they would like to be able to access new pages, but do not want to receive E-mails on every new page added to HBC. We have also for several years now experienced problems dealing with AOL. Thus we have created this page for HBC readers. We will list new pages or existing pages to which we have added additional information. We used to maintain a page like this. We know from this experience that we sometimes forget to add a new page, but we will try to remember to do this as much as possible. There will not be a link on our home page so you will want to add this to your favorites/book marks. We plan to only make this page available to readers who support HBC. There may be occasional changes in the URL. Just let me know if you have any question about this new HBC feature.

April 30

Tom Morris

English altar boys

Mexican chronology: 20th century

German knee socks tassels

Argentine First Communion: Chronology

April 29

Film review: Hypocrites

President Coolidge

World War II: United States and poison gas

Eaton's underwaists (1916-17)

Louis Dubois Jules d'Oscare

April 28

American kepis: Styles

German Schiller collars: Conventions

American ringlet curls: 20th century

American bangs: Gender

Eaton's shirts and shirt waists (1907)

Eatons sleepwear (1907)

World War II: The Philippines

American kilt suit headwear: Jockey caps

April 27

American shirts: Types of shirts

American coats and jackets

April 26

American pats chronology: 20th century: More work here.

German musical instruments


NAZI charity: WHW

AEF-French mascots

April 25

Austrian First Communions

American family: 1840s

German rearmament: Luftwaffe

April 24

German Schirmmütze: Chronology

Choirs: Boys' voices

Eatons': Underwear, 1917

World War II: American Boy Scout volunteer activitoes

German school pants: Short pants

American kepisRinglet curls chronology: The 1920s

April 23

American ringlet curls: 20th century

Haitian history

Russian hosiery: The 1960s

Russian TV

Pacific War: National preconceptions

American hair styles: Gender styles

Harold Allen

German hosiery: Clothing

Science fairs

April 22

U.S. 1908 catalogs

American blouses: The 1910s

Musical instruments

April 21

Carl Kellison

Spanish Armada

April 20

English medieval Christianity

Shortalls: Chronology

Sir Walter Raleigh

European voyages of discovery: England

April 19

Henry Hudson

English privateers

School hosiery: Chronology

American kilt suits: Conventions

April 18

Hans Frank

Balilla: Differences with Hitler Youth

April 17

Warner Brothers: Corset company

Itlian school garments: Sailor suits

Itlian military in German occupied Italy

NAZI razeing Warsaw 1944

Japanese garments

April 16

Japanese school system: Foundation

American hat styles: 1860s

German sailor suits: Age 16

German tunics: Chronology 1890s

Seymour Henry Rendall

Godfrey Arthur Harding Rendall

April 15

Traditional Harrow uniform

English suit chronology: 19th centutry


Breeching in America: Photograohic edidence

Drowne boys

The Home

Film review: Swell Guy

Detachavle collars: Fabric

April 12

German chronology: Inter-War trends

Eaton's rubber collars

Canadian catalogs: The 1910s

Portrait catds (1910s)

April 11

American schools: Waking to school

American hosiery: The 1930s

Russian exile Scouts: China

April 10

Zouave drummer boy: Charles Monnel


Romper usage

Czech boys: The 1860s

American Catholics

April 9

School Safety Patrol

White Norfolk suits

Film reviews: L: More work here.

April 8

American catalogs: 2000s

German pantalettes: Chronology

Czech chronological trends

U.S. suits: Seasonality

April 7

Movie actors: Robert B. "Buzzy" Henry

Film review: Danny Boy (1946)

Polish folk costumes

NAZI concentration camps: Individual camps

World War II: President Roosevelt and the isolationists

U.S. Fauntleroy suits (1900s)

April 6

Paper frame mattes

Duncan Halkett

Photographic album type

American suits: 19th Century

April 5

Unidentified Lexington scool (1892)

American pants: 1910s

Western Reserve: Students

Polish schools: Partioned Poland

April 4

American schoolwear: Overalls

American schoolwear: Pants

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Girls pantlettes: Age conventions

Jim Crow complications

April 3

World War II: Croatia

World War II: Italiam military performance

World war II: Italian Navy

Identical family outfits

Post cards: Undivided backs

World War II: Economics

April 2

U.S. Fauntleroy suits: Family portraits

Detachable collars: Gender

Detachable collars: Material

Detachable collars: Chronology

German sailor suits: 1870s

April 1

World War II: Necessity and avoidability

Eatons catalog: Furnishings (1907)

U.S. news boys: Sales methods


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Created: 1:15 AM 1/1/2008
Last updated: 1:15 AM 1/1/2008