Boys' Historical Clothing: New Pages--October 2012

Figure 1.--Malala was a brave little Muslim school girl living in Mingora. She spoke out against the Taliban in Afghanistan trying to stop girls from attending school. Mala gained international recognition when 11-years old and began writing a dairy describing Tailiban attrocities in Afghanistan. The subject is poorly covered in the Palistani media, but using the internet Malala carefully documented the barbarity of the Tailiban, all done in the name of Islam. She wrote under a pen name for the BBC's Irdu service. To punish her for soeaking tge truth, a cowardly Tailaban ggunman boarded her school bus, asked for her by name, a shot her in the head. Malala is now fighting for her life.

Some HBC readers tell us that they would like to be able to access new pages, but do not want to receive E-mails on every new page added to HBC. We have also for several years now experienced problems dealing with AOL. Thus we have created this page for HBC readers. We will list new pages or existing pages to which we have added additional information. We used to maintain a page like this. We know from this experience that we sometimes forget to add a new page, but we will try to remember to do this as much as possible. There will not be a link on our home page so you will want to add this to your favorites/book marks. We plan to only make this page available to readers who support HBC. There may be occasional changes in the URL. Just let me know if you have any question about this HBC feature.

October 31

Gypsey migrations

World War II: NAZI Hunger Plan

Native Amercan tribes: The Yakama

Russo Japanese War: The Japanese Empire

October 30

Movies: Mv-Mz: More work here


Albanian history

Albanian folk costumes

American hats: The 1910s

Germam 1930s hosiery trends: Variations

October 29

Hurrcane Sandy hit, but we manged to ride it out.

October 28

Ebglish cut-away jacket suits

American sailor suit colors: Brown

World War II bios: Reinhard Heydrich--Childhood

World War II: NAZI occupied Poland--Food policies

October 27


Canada: Ukranian immigration

October 26

Crimean War: Military campaign

American Civil War: Soldier motivation

October 25

World War II: American isolationists--Ethnicity

Grmann boy: Ferdinand Hahnog

Hungarian Holocaust: Kasztner train rescue

October 24

Cold War: Salvadoran Civil War

German weddings: The 1930s

American First Communion (1953)

October 23

American catalogs: Todler outfits (1936)

October 22

The Balkan Wars: Several new linked pages as well.

October 21


English rounded-crown hats

October 20

Russian artist: Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky

Russian Civil War Famine

Uzbeckistan: Etnicity

October 19

World War II air war: Aircraft engines

American dresses: Headwear

Bulgarian Pioneers

World War II: Strategic concepts

October 18

Cold War country trends: Bulgaria

Portuguese regions

German school pants: Knickers

October 17

American tin-types: Social class

American school headwear: Chronology--19th Century

October 16

American school headwear: Chronology

China: Boy Scout history

World War II: Home front country trends

October 15

Argentine families: Fashionable siblings (1932)


American kilt suits: White

American kilt suit colors and prints

October 14

Feral children

American center parts: 20th century

October 13

American hair styles: Gendr chronology

Kilt chronology: 19th century

American caps: Glengaries

October 12

Indonesian history: Independent republic

Indonesian history: PKI-attempted coup

Romanian Scouting history

October 11

Philippines: Cold War

Pakistani hero girl: Malala Yousafzai

Children in history: The 21st century

October 10

American girls' rompers

World War I: British Royal Navy

October 9

World War II: Emergency American aid to Britain--Controversy

Ancient civilizations: Carthage

Niger: Slavery

October 8

World War II: British second evacuation--First phase

Congo history: Congo Free State

October 7

Chinese slavery

Ireland: Artane Boys' Band

American boy: James Calwell

American center parts: Turn-of-the 20th century

October 6

Irish history: Early Christian Ireland

Kenyan tribes

October 5

Palestine: Grand Mufti's appointment

Palestine: Etnicity

October 4

Austrian artist: Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller--Peasant family

Czech artist: Leopold Pollak

October 3

Cold War: Germany--Berlin Wall children

Turmenistan: Education

American catalogs: 1885

American pants chronology: The 1930s

October 2

Cuban sugar industry: Economic conditions (1899)

American catalogs: Sears long stockings (1944)

Ameican families: New Jersey family (1860s)

School garments: Rompers--The 1960s

October 1

School garments: Rompers--Chronology

French schools: Materndlle garments

French schools: Maternelle events

English suit pants: Knee pants--Styling and decioration


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Created: 6:50 AM 1/1/2011
Last updated: 6:50 AM 1/1/2011