* boys historical clothing : new pages October 2020

Boys' Historical Clothing: New Pages--October 2020

Figure 1.--This is a French sewing pattern packet illustration dated 1939-40. We do not fully understand the written instructions. The illustration clearly shows a boy wearing a romper suit with puffed sleeves and Perter Pan collar, and the illustration suggests a school-age boy. This is a litle surprising because except for pre-school, French boys did not generally wear rompers to school. What was common at the time was smocks. We believe that the scene here is meant to be mom helping the boy with his writing at home, preparing him for when he begins school.

Some HBC readers tell us that they would like to be able to access new pages, but do not want to receive E-mails on every new page added to HBC. We have also for several years now experienced problems dealing with AOL. Thus we have created this page for HBC readers. We will list new pages or existing pages to which we have added additional information. We used to maintain a page like this. We know from this experience that we sometimes forget to add a new page, but we will try to remember to do this as much as possible. There will not be a link on our home page so you will want to add this to your favorites/book marks. We plan to only make this page available to readers who support HBC. There may be occasional changes in the URL. Just let us know if you have any question about this HBC feature.

October 31

Chinese child marriage

Greek activities: Beach outings

English dresses: Unknown Yorkshire image

October 30

Russian skirted garments: PhotographyJapanese school tights: Age conventions

Japanese field trip attractions: Nature outings--Natural environment

Japanese schools: -First Showa era

October 29

U.S. knickers: The 1910s--Demographics

German knee socks: Colors

October 28

German movies: Metropolis

American kilt suits: Kilt suit gender trends--Exceptions

October 27

Plays: The Sound of Misic--Costumiung

World War II: Chinese economy

October 26

Somoan Islands: Activities


Japan: Young trucker family

October 25

Scotlamd: Protestant Reformation

October 23

Cold War: Middle Eastern countries

Colombian demographics

October 22

French sewing patterns: Rompers (1939)

World War II: American civil defense

Egyptian economic sectors

October 21

Belgian Congo

World War II: American economic revival

Taiwan schools: Chronology

Japamaese schools: Meiji education system

October 20

Russian bikes

Greek Cold War: Economy

Cold War: Communist refugees

October 19

American knicker suits:Chronolgy--1860s

American mothers: Wishes

American Ohio family (1900s)

October 18

World War II: France--Normandy Bockage

Otober 17

World War II: Italy--Calabrian pair

World War II: Greece--Resistance--Saltadori

Brazilian orphanages

October 16

American activities: Play: The 1940s

October 14

American zoo visits

Norway geography

American skirts: Chronology--The 1870s

English suits: Chronology--The 1910s

World War II: Asian natioinalism--Indonesia

Japamese schools: The 20th century

October 13

Japanese schools: Bracing for the bombing

Japanese schools: HachimakiJapanese schools: Eraly 20th century

October 10

World War II: Japanese military training

World War II: Japan age of soldiers: Expanding conscription

October 9

World War II: Japanese differences with Europe

American plaid dresses: Siblings: 1880s American Broussard family

October 8

World War I: Bios--Josepohus Daniels

American First Ladies: Grace Coolidge

American charitiues: Community houses

October 7

Serbian double breasted suits (1960s)

October 6

American boy: Paul Lawson

Guatemalan Civil War

October 5

Cold War: Pacifist organizations--CISV International

World War II: British oversas evacuations--Christmas<./a>

World War II: Economics--Metals

World War II: American defense of AustraliaScuplture history: River Valley civiization

October 3

World War II Netherlands: Battle of Groninhen

World War II: Liberating Netherlands : Easternand Noirthern Provunces

October 2

World War II Holocaust: Bergen-Belsen Special Camps

October 1

American suits: Jackets (The 1950s)

American family (about 1930)


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Created: 8:29 PM 1/1/2019
Last updated: 8:29 PM 1/1/2019