The Israeli Kibbutz Childcare: Naturalist Approach

Figure 1.--Here we see a scene at a kibbutz nursery during the 1960s. It probably was taken at En Hashofet. Quite a few kibbutzes had a naturalist attitude concerning younger children. At the time there was no concern for ultra-violent radiation that has led to modern sun-safe clothing.

An element of Socialist thought over time was that nationalist states, especially capitalist states, has a corrupting influence on inherently moral man. This was part of a long running phiolsophical debate on the inherrent nature of man. In the Soviet Union authorities set out constructing Soviet Man which unlike traditionalist Marxist visions meant increasing state pressure in shaping the individuals. Marxist educators felt that without oppresive controls, children would develop into more generous, less violent individuals without prejudices. One element of this outlook in the kibbutz child care was a naturalist approach for younger children. This varies from kibbutz to kibbutz to kibbutz, but was adopted by many. At the time there was no concern for ultra-violent radiation that has led to modern sun-safe clothing. Fresh air and sunshine were seen as very healthy for growing children.


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Created: 6:27 AM 10/12/2011
Last updated: 6:27 AM 10/12/2011