Prince Ernst von Hohenberg (1904-54)

Figure 1.--This is Prince Ernst von Hohenberg, Arch Duke Franz Ferdiand's youngest surviving child. The portrait was taken about 1910-11.

Prince Ernst von Hohenberg (1904-54) was one of the four children of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinad ad Countess Sophia. As a result of their morganatic marriage, the children had no rights of succession. Prince Ernst married Marie-Therese Wood (1910-85) (1936). The couple had two children. HSH Prince Franz Ferdinand Maximilian Georg Ernst Maria Josef Zacharius Ignaz von Hohenberg (1937-78) married Heide Zechling. Their son HSH Prince Franz Ferdinand Karl Georg Ernst von Hohenberg (1969- ) married Christiane Pirker. There were no children. HSH Prince Ernst Georg Elemer Albert Josef Antonius Peregrinus Rupertus Maria von Hohenberg (1944- ) married Patricia Anette Caesar (1973). They divorced (1999) They had children. He married Margareta Anna Ndisi (2007). HSH Princess Eva Anne Maria von Hohenberg (1974- ). The Gestapo arrested Prince Ernst and his siblings after the Anschluss. They were enterned in Daccau until the end of the War (1945) I am not sure about his family, including his wife abd children. We note Prince Ernst was born in 1944 while his father was still in Daccau. Prince Ernst died at Graz in 1954, aged 49 years.


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Created: January 28, 2003
Last updated: 6:13 AM 11/20/2009