Indivisual Chinese Schools: European Missionary School--St. Andrews (About 1910)

Figure 1.--China has a long history of education and scholarship. We havem however, very little information on individual Chinese schools. The first modern schools were founded by European missionaries (19th century). We have no information before the 20th century. We note a photograph of a European school founded by missionarles -- St Andrews School, we think about 1910.

China has a long history of education and scholarship. We havem however, very little information on individual Chinese schools. The first modern schools were founded by European missionaries (19th century). We have no information before the 20th century. We note a photograph of a European school founded by missionarles -- St Andrews School, we think about 1910. We have been unable to find any information about the school. The boys here are well sressed, but they do not seem well-groomed or very hppy. We are not sure what that means. We wonder if they could have been orphaned children being taken care of. Or perhaps they are boarding students from well-to-do families and not very happy to be at the school. .


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Created: 2:55 PM 6/17/2017
Last updated: 2:55 PM 6/17/2017