We have noted quite a range of colors being used for shirts at English schools. While We have noted several different colors, by far grey and white have been the most common over the years. The standard school uniform shirt for years was a grey shirt. A good example is the O'Connor boys. Grey was particularly important when laundry was a lot more labor intensive than is the case today. Gray shirts were considered paractical for schoolwear because they did not show the dirt and ink stains as much as a white shirt. For dress occasions a white shirt was usually substituted. But it was the grey shirt that was commonly worn for daily wear. They canme in both summer nd winter weights. There were also full buttoning styles anf hslf-buttoning rugby styles. Some elementary schools in recent years have intoduced more casual white or blue polo-style Artex shirts, especially during the summer. Although not nearly as common, we have also noted green and yellow shirts. Almost always light colors are used. The boys here enjoying a game are a good example (figure 1). We have, however, noted a few schools where dark blue shirts were worn.
A British reader writes us, "What a delightful image. It bring back many happy memories of my school days. I wore similar shirts and in the same colours as those in the photograph."
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