*** English school uniform: individual schools

English School Uniform: Individual Schools

English prep school unifirm
Figure 1.--A common everyday uniform at an English prep school during the 1970s was tie, grey shirt, "V"-neck sweater, short trousers, knee socks, and sandals. By the 1980s more boys were wearing long trousers.

Uniform has played a very important part in the social development of individual schools. A school's iendtity hinged not only upon its acheivements, but also on it's instantly recognisable uniform worn by pupils. Since 17th centre the school uniform has developed. In more recent times social changes within the UK has played a significant major part how uniforms have developed to where they presently are today. Some information is available on individual schools to illustrate school uniform trends at the various types of schools. Schools have had different uniforms over time, but there is great similarities as so many schools used the same basic styles. This is especually true of the boys' uniforms. There is much more difference over time as schools are constantly updating their uniforms. The schools archived here on HBC can be viewed by the type of school, the name of the school, and the chronological period. Old boys and girls from these and other schools are incouraged to contribute information about the uniforms they wore.

Type of School

Uniforms worn at different schools were in part a reflection of the type of school. There were significant differences at schools for different age groups as well as private and state schools. Boys at primary and secondary schools tended to wear very different uniforms. State supported religious schools often were stricer about informs than private primary schools. Differences existed between different kinds of state and private schools. Preparatory schools in particular had destinctive uniforms. There were also some differences amomg day and boarding schools. England had quite a large number of different school types. We do not have images cobering the different types of schools, but we are constantly adding new schools to our archive. We would be interested in hearing from HBC readers about their school.

Alphabetical Listing

To make it easy to find your school, we have listed them alphabetically. Here you can also find how school uniforms varied over time at the same school. If you do not find your school here, we incourage you to provide information about the uniform you wore.

Chronological Period

We have listed available information on English schools by decade. This helps to assess chronological trends in schoolwear. Here we will list schools by decade and year for which information is available. We have mostly archived our school information in the alphabetical section. We will eventually cross link those schools chronplogically here. We will begin this section with dated images that are not identified by school name. These chronolgical listings of course are mkore helpful in assessing trends over time.

Unidentified Schools

We have found images of English schools that we have been unable to identify. Often we can date these images, but in using the information it is helful to know the type of school or the actual name of the school. Hopefully our British readers will be able to provide information about these different schools.


Related Chronolgy Pages in the Boys' Historical Web Site
[The 1880s] [The 1930s] [The 1940s] [The 1950s] [The 1960s] [The 1970s] [The 1980s]

Related Style Pages in the Boys' Historical Web Site
[Long pants suits] [Short pants suits] [Socks] [Eton suits] [Jacket and trousers] [Blazer [School sandals

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Created: December 17, 2000
Last updated: 3:30 AM 7/2/2022