*** English school uniform: individual schools -- Monk Fryton School English school uniform: individual schools -- Monk Fryton School

Individual English Schools: Monk Fryton School

Figure 1.--Monk Fryton is a small village in the extreme south of North Yorkshire. The name first appears in the historical record (11th cenrtury). The Monk part of the village name refers to a relationship with a monastary, in this case Selby Abbey. Here we get a good view of the village school which looks to be quite old. We have no idea how to date it. It probably dates to before the 19th cenntury. The village church can be seen peaking out behind the school roof. The children are standing out in front, proably during the 1900s. The fact that there is not a vehicle in site help to date it, but the 1890s is possible. There are about 20 children. One of the girls has brought her little sister along. We supose that bsome teachers permitted this sort of thing. The girls all look to be wearing pinafores. The boys wear suits with Eton collars.

Monk Fryton is a small village in the extreme south of North Yorkshire. The name first appears in the historical record (11th cenrtury). The Monk part of the village name refers to a relationship with a monastary, in this case Selby Abbey. Here we get a good view of the village school which looks to be quite old. We have no idea how to date it. It probbly dates to before the 19th century. The village church can be seen peaking out behind the school roof. The children are standing out in front, probably during the 1900s. The fact that there is not a vehicle in site help to date it, but the 1890s is possible. There are about 20 children, One of the girls has brought her little sister along. We supose that bsome teachers permitted this sort of thing. The girls all look to be wearing pinafores, many with large tams. The boys wear suits with Eton collars.


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Created: 11:57 PM 3/2/2020
Last updated: 11:58 PM 3/2/2020