Individual Argentine Schools: AIA (1950s)

Figure 1.-- All we know for sure is the name of this school is AIA which we can see on the badges of the boy's shirts. It looks to be a coed private school. We at first thought that this was a gym class, but most of the shirts are collared and many of the short pants, including the belted-shorts, are clearly not gym shorts. One boy seems to be wearing button-on shorts, probably light blue. Two boys wear bow ties. And they clearly are not in a gym. Most of the shoes, however, are sneakers and the soocks white, so we are not entirly sure what to make of it. Perhps the boys just changed shoes for gym.

All we know for sure is the name of this school is AIA which we can see on the badges of the boy's shirts. It looks to be a coed private school. We at first thought that this was a gym class, but most of the shirts are collared or even long sleeve and many of the short pants, including the belted-shorts, are clearly not gym shorts. One boy seems to be wearing button-on shorts, probably light blue. Two boys wear bow ties. And they clearly are not in a gym. Most of the shoes, however, are sneakers and the soocks white, so we are not entirly sure what to make of it. Perhps the boys just changed shoes for gym. The one boy wearing two-tone leather shoes helps date the image to the late-1940s or more probably the 1950s. Anither boy looks to be wearing white shoe, but not sneakers. The country is not identified, but the girl's white smock suggests Argentina. Argentine boys also wore white smocks, at least in yhe public schools. But this aknost cetainly is a private school abd we do noy thunk that thy woul hv hd badges for their shirts id they wore smocks over them. Not a lot to go on here, but perhaps readers will have some insights.


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Created: 10:39 PM 9/8/2017
Last updated: 10:39 PM 9/8/2017