Hair Bows for Boys: Dark Colors

Figure 1.--This American boy in a portrait taken about 1890 wears a dark-colored hair bow. White was more common. This one might have beern red. Click on the image to see the kilt suit that he was wearing.

White are light colored hair bows are by far the most common, but we also note darker colored hair styles. Assessing the black and white photographs is difficult, but at least some appear to be bright reds. Other bright colors may have been used as while. Some seem desugned to match or compliment the color of the boy's ourfit. Efforts to match the collar vows do not seem common. One would assume that mothers would not usually choose black hairbows, but HBC can not yet substantiate this with actual contemprary sources. Of course there could be some exceptions, perhaps black hair bows were worn for very formal occasions or when wearing a black Fauntleroy suit. Perhaps thery were worn for mourning.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 30, 2002
Last updated: May 30, 2002