Boys' Uniformed Group: Unidentified Bands

Figure 1.--This trumpeter was part of aanother band performing with the Boys Brigade in Trafalgar Square June 2002 for the Queens Jubilee celebration. I'm not sure whether they were actually a part of the Boys Brigade or affiliated with it in any way. Their uniforms are based on those of the Royal Marines. Courtesy of the MD Collection.

We have noted some uniformed band groups that we cannnot yet identify. In some cases we know the country. They do not appear to be school groups, but rather a youth group band. Some may be unaffiliated independent bands. Other may be youth group bands in soecial uniforms rather than the uniform of the youth group itself. Hopefully HBU readers will help us to identify them.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 9, 2002
Last updated: July 9, 2002