Hitler Youth Camping: Activities--Leisure Activities

Figure 1.--Here we see some HJ boys in their tent at camp during some free time. The boys are playing cards. We are not sure this was an approved activity.

Not all of the activities at Hitler Youth camps were programmed. There was some free time. Presumably the weather forced some activities to be cancelled. There was also time between various activities. We do not have a lot of information showing what boys did during their free time. Nor do we know to what extent the HJ authorities regulated what the boys did during their free time. Although it may sound strange knowing what we know about the NAZIs, the NAZI Hitler Youth progrtam had very moralistic, if not pridish standards. We are not sure just how strictly these standards were inforced at camp. We suspect this may have varied substantially depending on the individuals in charge.


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Created: 2:21 AM 11/26/2004
Last updated: 2:21 AM 11/26/2004